Upholstery Cleaning

Upholstery cleaning is the process used to remove all stains and marks from various items in your household. Done properly, as I do, upholstery cleaning can increase both the look and the lifetime of your household items.

  • I only use the best steam cleaning equipment
  • I am fully trained to the standards of my industry
  • My upholstery cleaning services are available to all
  • I can tackle any project of any size, even on short notice in most situations

In other words, the older the stains, the more difficult it is to remove them. Additionally, upholstery cleaning is a time-consuming task and it is strictly depending on the type of fabric to be cleaned, the severity of the stains and the chemical composition of the stains. Removing stains from your upholstery is also quite challenging and — if done correctly, as I do — can bring in great results and a fresh-looking fabric that lasts longer.